Posted by Adamski on 06/09/05 05:14
On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 00:41:17 GMT, Ike wrote:
>Can someone please help. I've installed php the latest php <5.0 I have not
>altered php.ini. I keep getting the following error within my broweser when
>I attempt to authenticate from index.php (enclosed). Ive also enclosed
>login.php. I'm running this under an apache web server on windows. Does
>anyone have any idea why this wont run (I assume it is with a setting in my
>php.ini, or, my directory structure under my web root - any ideas?).
Can't really tell from your code - but check that there is *absolutely
nothing* before the "<?php session_start();" line. No HTML, spaces,
comments or carriage returns.
The other thing that has tripped me up a couple of times is checking
that your session save path is set properly in PHP.INI, eg:
session.save_path = "C:\WINDOWS\Temp"
.... and that the directory permissions are set for writing.
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