Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 08/15/06 21:20
Paul Watt <paulio@wattio.NOSPAMfreeserve.co.uk> scripsit:
> Firstly, Please,Please,Please don't use word to make web pages.
The Web would be a much better place if everyone used Word 2003 for spell
checking of pages. Conversion from Word 2003 format to decent HTML format is
a different thing, but doable. People who claim the opposite just don't know
how to do such things and expect everyone else to be equally ignorant. I
wouldn't recommend Word 2003 as John Q. Public's primary web authoring
software, but that's a different matter.
> You're much better of with a Notepad
As a method of converting a Word document into a web page? Give me a break.
> and a
> few hours at http://www.w3schools.com .
The w3schools site is known for its unreliable and inaccurate content.
> As to your question use   to insert a space in a document.
Nonsense, especially as an answer to the question that was asked.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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