Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 08/16/06 01:26
"dorayme" <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> skrev i meddelandet
> In article <jXsEg.13334$E02.4924@newsb.telia.net>,
> "Luigi Donatello Asero" <jaggillarfotboll@telia.com> wrote:
> > That does not add much to the point. What I think is not necessarily
> > you do and what you think may be different from what I do. As a whole, I
> > like hearing what others have to say and later make up my mind and
> > myself.
> >
> and
Nothing to add.
> >
> > Why should I trust them more?
> > And who said that you were the only person I was going to ask or the
> > thing I was going to read?
> ... are sensible replies, Luigi, what are you on? Some special "normal
relevant articulate"
> drug?
I do not take any drug. I hope that you do not do it either.
Please get off them otherwise you will just turn out to be
> another smith on this ng. I want the old Luigi back, the security
conscious, Tasmania- inquisitive Italian-in-
> Sweden back...
Bye bye
Luigi Donatello Asero
你干什么明天早上 ?
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