Posted by Paul Watt on 08/16/06 14:23
"Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote in message
> Paul Watt wrote:
>> "Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorpela@cs.tut.fi> wrote in message
>> news:DUqEg.4546$DA6.3421@reader1.news.jippii.net...
>>> Paul Watt <paulio@wattio.NOSPAMfreeserve.co.uk> scripsit:
>>>> As to your question use   to insert a space in a document.
>>> Nonsense, especially as an answer to the question that was asked.
>> So you're saying that ISN'T the way to add a space to a paragraph?
> Exactly!If you need to adjust the spacing of any block element like P,
> adjust 'margin' and 'padding' in the stylesheet. The only situation that I
> can think of now for using ' ' is where you have a two term that you
> wish to 'glue' together, if you had more than two words I would probably
> style a SPAN.
OK yes you're right, but without seeing the OP's page we'll never know where
he wants the whitespace. There may be a better solution, indipendant <divs>
or what-not.
>> I wasn't saying that notepad was the way to convert word 2003 generated
>> to "decent" HTML, I was saying that it's better to use notepad and HTML
>> to generate pages in the first place.
> I too wish folks would use a word processor with extended spelling and
> grammar check to develop the 'copy' for their sites. And as with printed
> versions you would not use the word processor to directly layout a book
> one should not use it to layout a webpage. The clipboard is your friend! A
> simple text editor or better one with syntax highlighting (I like
> CrimsonEditor) coupled with a template that you can make can be a very
> efficient process. Basic HTML is not rocket-science!
I'm not talking about the copy, I'm talking about the HTML
le singe est dans l'arbre
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