Posted by strawberry on 08/16/06 13:43
seeker55 wrote:
> I have a insert.php which is suppose to show a record on the screen. I
> run it and see nothing on the screen. following is the code used
> <?php
> $mysql_id = mysql_connect(localhost, 'root', 'kali');
> mysql_select_db($mysql_id, 'memphisproject');
> $result = mysql_query($mysql_id, select * from tblsponsor);
> while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
> echo $row1[0];
> }
> mysql_free_result($result);
> />
> This is on a test box to eventually be transferred to a web hosting
> company. Another question is when you build a database with phpmyadmin
> where is it stored on the test box. what is the connection string to be
> used. Thanks in advance
> seeker55
> --
> seeker55
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> seeker55's Profile: http://techiegroups.com/member.php?userid=181
> View this thread: http://www.techiegroups.com/showthread.php?t=114402
and now change your password
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