Posted by mens libertina on 08/18/06 03:45
mens libertina wrote:
> Basically, I'm trying to use a template to send email reminders, but I
> can't use my backreferences the way I would like. (template.inc is not
> installed on my host.) If I'm approaching the problem wrong, please
> have mercy and tell me how to solve it! :)
Well, after spending 2 days on this, I was gently scolded to do the
quick and dirty approach instead of the clever approach. ("you spent 2
days on something that could take 15 seconds?!") I'm not going to
delete my work, just comment it out. Maybe next time I have to update
this, I will have a deeper understanding of PHP's mysteries. ;)
Since I know exactly which tags need replacing with which info:
$emesg = str_replace( "{NAME}", $info[name], $emesg );
$emesg = str_replace( "{USERNAME}", $info[user], $emesg );
$emesg = str_replace( "{EXPIRES}", $info[expires], $emesg );
print( "<p><pre>$emesg</pre></p>" );
Thank you, Jerry. If you have any more insight, feel free to email me
( my handle with /\s/_/ at yahoo ).
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