Posted by Ψrjan Langbakk on 08/17/06 18:21
Den 17.08.2006 04:25, skriblet Fred Atkinson fΓΈlgende:
>> Most blogs allow you to limit access only to certain people. If that
>> group of certain people only includes you, then the blog has become a
>> diary.
> Maybe true. I just tried setting one up on my site. I got it
> installed, but it just doesn't suit my needs.
> I can't believe someone hasn't got a PHP out that would allow
> for someone to have and create an online diary.
> Anyone have some suggestions?
Yes. It is called WordPress, Movable Type, or any derivation thereof.
Aka "blog".
That you don't see that a blog, or rather, the blogging software, does
_exactly_ what you need, is your problem, really.
If you install WordPress, for instance, and set it up for you only, you
can make entries private, so that only you can read it, you can create
categories for sorting and placing entries, you can chose to make
certain entries public... what else do you want?
Γrjan Langbakk
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