Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 08/19/06 07:06
rfr <rfrohrer@iw.net> scripsit:
> What I sometimes do in situations like this is to employ a brute force
> method.
Thank you for the usual clueless indicator of starting without quoting or
paraphrasing the part of a message you are responding to. The style called
"upside-down fullquoting" or "TOFU" (Text Oben, Fullquote Unten) is very
useful for telling that you didn't comprehensively read the message you
respond to and that you are giving wrong answers or answering wrong
> In your case, you might try taking pieces OUT, piece by piece.
Actually, in both HTML authoring and in programming, the effective method is
to start from something simple and robust and then put additional things IN,
until some problem emerges and you can kill it softly.
> The problem triggering the malfuntion of the <HR>
What malfunction?
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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