Posted by microsoft . public . sqlserver on 08/21/06 06:59
I am using SQL server 7.0. After restoring all the databses (Except
distribution) Everything seems to be working fine except the backup
maintenance plan. I put following detail in the maintenance plan
"General Tab:
Plan Name ---> DB Maintenance Plan1
() All Databases
Optimizations tab:
Reorganize Data and Index Page
Change free space per page percentage to 10%
Remove unused space from database files
Shrink Database when it grows beyond 50 MB
Amount of free space to remain after shrink 10% of the data space
Schedule: Occurs every 1 week(s) on Thursday, at 1:30:00 PM.
Integrity tab:
Chack database integrity
Include indexes.
Attempt to repair any minor problem
Schedule : Occurs every 1 week(s) on Thursday, at 1:00:00 PM.
Complete Backup tab:
Backup the database as part of the maintenance plan
Verify the integrity of the backup upon completion
Disk use this directory: d:\SQL Backups
Backup file extension: BAK
Schedule: Occurs every 1 day(s), at 2:10:00 PM.
Transaction Log Backup tab:
schedule: Occurs every 1 day(s), at 2:00:00 PM.
Reporting tab:
Write report a text file in Directory: D:\SQL Backups\LOG "
My databases(mroduction as well as systems) sre not at all getting
backed up according to above plan.
Error Message in the Log Directory:
"Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version [Microsoft SQL-DMO
(ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 4062: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open user default database '<ID>'. Using
master database instead."
In the SQL server registration properties the login through which
getting logged into the EM for that, default database is "my production
Is this problem because of the distribution db which I am not able to
Please help
Deepak Sinha
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