Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/22/06 10:46
mich dobelman wrote:
> I cannot reference the values in side of config.php
> $dbhost,$dbuser ,$dbpasswd ,$dbname why?
> <?php
> require_once('includes/db.php'); //db connection functions
> require_once('config.php'); //db connection parameters
> class DBRegion{
> var $db;
> function DBRegion(){
> }
> function open(){
> $this -> db = new sql_db($dbhost , $dbuser , $dbpasswd , $dbname ,
> false);
> if( !$this -> db -> db_connect_id )
> {
> die( "Could not connect to the database" );
> }
> }
> function close(){
> $this -> db -> sql_close();
> }
> function updateName( $id, $name ){
> $sql = "update web_coupon_region set name = '$name' where id = $id ";
> $result = $this -> db -> sql_query( $sql ) or die( "Coun't proceed with
> the following sql: ".$sql );
> }
> //UPDATE `web_coupon_region` SET `mdate` = '2006-08-16 05:05:55' WHERE
> `id` = '1' LIMIT 1 ;
> function updateModDate( $id, $date )
> {
> //$this -> db = new sql_db($dbhost , $dbuser , $dbpasswd , $dbname ,
> false);
> $sql = "update web_coupon_region set mdate = '$date' where id = '$id'";
> $result = $this -> db -> sql_query( $sql ) ;
> if(!$result ){
> $error = $this -> db -> sql_error();
> die( "Coun't proceed with the following sql: ".$error['message'] );
> }
> }
> }
> ?>
IMHO it's better to pass the parameters to the function, i.e.
function open($host, $user, $passwd, $name){
$this -> db = new sql_db($host , $user , $passwd , $name ,
if( !$this -> db -> db_connect_id )
die( "Could not connect to the database" );
$dbregion = new $DbRegion();
$dbregion -> open($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname);
This gives you more flexibility in your code. Right now you may only
use one database on one host, for instance. But what about another
system - or later?
Or even now, you might have one user with limited privileges for the
general public, and another user with more privileges for admin users.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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