Posted by News on 08/23/06 19:50
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
> News wrote:
>> http://www.footprintsphotography.com/index2.php
>> There is a site that seems to thwart copying of the image. How was
>> it done?
> Looks to me as if all the photos are in a Flash movie. Didn't stop me
> from copying them using SnagIt.
> Considering it *is* a Flash site, it is one of the better ones I've
> seen in a long time.
> BTW, please don't top-post, and move your sig delimiter to the bottom
> of the post. Thanks for your consideration.
You are correct about the top-post, sorry about that.
I tried printscreen and used that it works also.
Totus possum, totum Deum.
Totus ero, totum meum.
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