Posted by Rik on 10/11/13 11:56
Flaming Corncob wrote:
> In article <9c30f$44ed965b$8259c69c$3516@news1.tudelft.nl>,
> "Rik" <luiheidsgoeroe@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Flaming Corncob wrote:
>>> Is there any way to add to an already existing array?
>> Several, for instance:
>> 1. $array[] = $value;
>> Will add a numerically indexed value on the end of the array
>> 2. array_push($array, $foo, $bar,...);
>> Will add an arbitrary amount of variables to the end of the array
>> 3. array_unshift($arraym$foo,$bar,....);
>> Same as array_push, only to the beginning
>> And many, many more possibilities, read up on it:
>> http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.array.php
>> http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php
> Cool. Already stumbled on array_push() but $array is easier. Next I
> need to be able to find something in an array and if it's there erase
> it. I've tried unset() but that destroys part of the array and when
> you add to it after that it doesn't fill in the hole created by
> unset..
Is there any reason why you want a continuous numerically indexed array?
Often there is no need.
You could set an empty variable: $array[$key] = '', or use
array_values($array) to return a freshly indexed array.
Rik Wasmus
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