Posted by IchBin on 12/03/15 11:56
jbo wrote:
> just tried my first mysql funcition: mysql_connect(). When I try it in my
> browser I get "Fatal Error: undefined function mysql_connect(): I'm running
> apache2, php5 and mysql 5.0.22 - all running on Ubuntu 6.06. I can execute
> simple php scripts and phpinfo() works fine. What is my problem?
When you ran phpinfo() did you see a group of information for MySQL?
It's towards the end. If not did you do any modification in the PHP.ini
and Apache2.conf for MySQL to run with them?
In your PHP.ini:
- Uncomment ';extension=php_mysql.dll' so it will loaded.
- Make sure your extension path is set correctly. Typically:
extension_dir = "C:/php/ext"
In your Apache2 config file httpd.conf
- Make sure you have these entries :
LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
- Make sure you added 'index.php' to the DirectoryIndex statement
If you make any changes to php.ini or apache2 config then restart your
Apache2 server.
Else look at the documentation here:
Thanks in Advance...
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA http://weconsultants.phpnet.us
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)
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