Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 08/29/06 05:48
dorayme <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> scripsit:
> Sometimes, more often these days, I have been using like
> div.1, div.2, div.3 {color: red}
> instead of
> div.1 {color: red}
> div.2 {color: red}
> div.3 {color: red}
Well, it's surely bad design: using pure red color (hurts eyes), setting
color without setting background, possible divism (using <div> instead of
semantic markup), and invalid class names (must not being with a digit).
You probably object by saying that it's just an example. But why write bad
examples? People learn from examples.
> I get the impression it gives trouble in some browsers
I wouldn't bother caring about the issue without _hard_ evidence, and
perhaps not even then. Any browser that gets such a simple thing wrong will
probably fail miserably with CSS in general, so I'd ask the same question as
about oldest "CSS-supporting" versions of IE: how do I prevent it from
seeing my IE at all? (If I cared at all. I don't care about IE 3 users any
more, for example; if they exist and they haven't disabled the browser's CSS
features, they suffer from www browsing so much these days that they must be
> I am especially interested in anyone who knows that comma
> delimited pseudos are not a good idea (for reasons to do with
> straight out not working as intended), eg.
> a, a:visited, a:hover: a:active {border:none}
Well, there you have probably accidentally typed a colon instead of a comma
after "a:hover", so you won't get the desired effect.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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