Posted by lazypig06@gmail.com on 08/29/06 15:43
Hi !
Thank you for your response. I already tried the first method, but that
didn't work since auto prepend happened first, then the foo() function
in each page is being process next.
What do you mean "fufile" in your second method ? is it the include
file's name which contains foo() function ?
Thank you for your help,
Lazy Pig
Tim Hunt wrote:
> lazypig06@gmail.com wrote:
> > Hi !
> >
> > I'd like to ask everyone this question. I am currently maintain a
> > website which have hundreds of pages and lot of subdirectories. Most of
> > these pages contains a common function (let's call it "foo()" on top of
> > each of these pages. I've tried to use auto prepend and .htaccess to
> > prepend a file which contains an exact function foo() that is being
> > used on other pages.
> >
> > I kept getting error "Cannot redeclare foo() in..." when I try to use
> > .htaccess and auto prepend feature. I've tried to remove foo() from
> > each page and use the foo() in the include file instead, but this
> > process take too much time. Is there anyway that I can tell PHP to
> > ignore the foo() function that is being redeclare in each page ? (I
> > know that I eventually have to remove foo() in every page).
> >
> > Sorry for a lengthy question.
> >
> > Thank you in advance,
> > Lazy Pig
> There are at least two ways you could do this: Put the declaration of
> foo() inside this if block, if( !function_exists('foo')) { .... }, so
> the function is only parsed if it hasnt already been declared. Another
> way is put if( defined('fufile') ) {return;} define('fufile',1); at the
> top of the file foo() is declared in - it quickly exists the include'd
> file when it is included a 2nd/3rd/... time.
> Tim
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