Posted by Alarustic on 08/30/06 14:51
Alarustic wrote:
> I'm trying to set my server up so I can use PEAR again. I say again
> because it was setup before I rebooted the server! I remember having
> problems before but managed to get it working then, so it's certainly
> possible!
> Pear is certainly installed on the server, when I type 'pear list' into
> the SSH client it tells me all the packages I wish to use are installed
> OK.
> If you would like to view the phpinfo of the server you can do so here:
> http://www.xentek.co.uk/phpinfo.php
> The include_path and open_basedir look fine to me, can anyone help,
I found the problem, it was to do with safe mode. I could either turn
safe mode off or enter .:/usr/share/pear as the value for
safe_mode_include_dir in php.ini.
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