Posted by Dennis de Wit on 08/30/06 10:50
artev wrote:
> this work (I see 10000)
> code php
> $fruits=10000;
> echo <input type="hidden" name="x1[]" id="x1[]" value="$fruits" >;
> code javascript
> var test3 = document.formID.elements['x1[]'];
> alert(test3[0].value);
> ---------------------------------------------------
> now the code bottom, not work; I see in the alert popup the word: array;
> I want to use the array of array in the javascript's code
> using the hidden's variable
> code php
> foreach ($arrayquery as $a)
> {
> $fruits = array($a['type'] => array(1 => 'color', 2 => 'pos'));
> echo <input type="hidden" name="x1[]" id="x1[]" value="$fruits" >;
> }
> code javascript
> var test3 = document.formID.elements['x1[]'];
> alert(test3[0].value);
> any idea?
All elements in your form have the same name and same ID. If you request
the elements by javascript you'll retrieve an array of all elements with
that name. You might want to change the id or name to unique entries for
each element.
That would do the trick.
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