Posted by Dennis de Wit on 08/30/06 11:42
artev wrote:
>>> code php
>>> foreach ($arrayquery as $a)
>>> {
>>> $fruits = array($a['type'] => array(1 => 'color', 2 => 'pos'));
>>> echo <input type="hidden" name="x1[]" id="x1[]" value="$fruits" >;
>>> }
>>> code javascript
>>> var test3 = document.formID.elements['x1[]'];
>>> alert(test3[0].value);
>>> any idea?
>> All elements in your form have the same name and same ID. If you request
>> the elements by javascript you'll retrieve an array of all elements with
>> that name. You might want to change the id or name to unique entries for
>> each element.
> in my example
> I have id=x1[] that is an array
> the value that I insert in this array is an array;
> so how I can see it?
> so I really see the first array ?
> var test3 = document.formID.elements['x1[]'];
> alert(test3[0].value);
> but if I write
> alert(test3[0][0].value);
> not work, why?
> you have example of code? or how to correct that above?
I don't think your browser sees the name x1[] as an array item with the
name x1, but more just an element with the name "x1[]". I think you
should add indexes to your array in order to make this work. So the
first element will be callex x1[0], the second x1[1], then x1[2]... etc...
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