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Re: newbie - add 15 to number in list

Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/31/06 13:21

version2 wrote:
> Kimmo Laine wrote:
>>"version2" <> wrote in message
>>>Hi there,
>>>I am outputing a list of 10 values.
>>>10, 20, 30, 40, etc
>>>I can add 15 to one of the values then reorder the values from smallest
>>>to highest but i want to update every single value and assign it values
>>>increamenting by 10
>>>so after the update the second number of 20 and add 15 I get
>>>10, 30, 35, 40
>>>now i want to re output the values above as
>>>10, 20, 30, 40
>>But this last is just the same as the original. I don't see the
>>difference... Was this supposed to be 10, 30, 20, 40 ?
>>It would help if you could explain in detail what you are trying to achieve
>>with this, but basicly that would go like this:
>>$foo = range(10,100,10);// create the list of numbers
>>$bar = $foo;
>>$foo[rand()%sizeof($foo)]+=15;// add 15 to random element.
>>asort($foo); // Sort the changed array
>>// Print the sorted changed order using the
>>// original values that were copied to $bar
>>foreach($foo as $k => $v)
>> echo $bar[$k] . ', ';
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> Hui Kimmo,
> sorry for the confusion, once i have added 15 to one of the numbers and
> it has been sorted from lowest to highest it will look like this.
> 10, 30, 35, 40
> assuming that i added 15 to 20 giving me 35.
> now take that list 10, 30, 35, 40 and give them all new values 10, 20,
> 30, 40
> so a break down of before and after
> 10 = 10
> 30 = 20
> 35 = 30
> 40 = 40
> i hope this helps
> thanks

(Top posting fixed)

I'm with Kimmo on this. These are just numbers - and what you're trying
doesn't make sense. You're just changeling one number, reordering the
series then putting the original numbers back. You get exactly the same
result with a lot less work by just echoing the original list.

Can you tell us what you're *really* trying to do? Maybe that will help
us understand your question.

P.S. Please don't top post. Thanks.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.



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