Posted by Neredbojias on 09/01/06 07:25
To further the education of mankind, dorayme
<doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> vouchsafed:
>> > I get the impression it gives trouble in some browsers
>> Paranoia. Pure paranoia...
> No, just impression from actual tests. When I removed and changed
> to long form, things worked once or twice... but in fact what
> might have happened is that I brought in a new factor
> unwittingly... maybe a browser refresh, maybe a change in
> position of the css text, maybe who knows... you see, I have been
> to the Dale Carnegie School of How to Act Nicely Scientific, but
> in my practice sometimes falls short. My teacher says not to
> worry, even people up to average intelligence do this too...
> O yeah, that reminds me... I was going to show a test case about
> border:0, an effect on WinIE. might get time to do that soon... I
> don't want to be one of those that bluffs and says and does not
> front up. My teach sez that's bad form... What might actually
> happen is that I will make a test case and the effect will
> disappear and I still won't know what factor caused it. Now, that
> is paranoia...
Ie certainly has enough anomalies to keep one guessing, but in my
experience (-which, of course, isn't unlimited,) I haven't had any trouble
with the css comma-separation thing on IEWin. IE7 is due out pretty soon,
too, (-I thought it was going to be in August?) so maybe fixing things for
6 is a prospect with diminishing returns.
Infinity has its limits.
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