Posted by Dennis de Wit on 09/01/06 10:37
Mike wrote:
> Thanks Dennis,
> Basically the incoming and outgoing servers are called the same -
> mail.mysite.co.uk.
> I already asked support and there response was...
> I've checked with our engineers, and I'm afraid that the server is
> doing exactly what it's meant to be doing, and there isn't a way round
> it. This is configured this way for security purposes to make it easy
> to track down compromised scripts. Please be aware that the "On Behalf
> Of" message will only show on some mail clients.
> Major pain!!
> Mike
I'd look for a different host; or accept the "on behalf of" message.
Take a glass bottle, fill it with petrol, stick in an old newspaper, go
to your webh...
.... oh wait; you did not get that info from me.
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