Posted by nigel.t on 12/16/53 11:57
damn and blast ... colour me stupid and spank my soft extremeties...
It was those last explanations that set me thinking...
It had to be permissions because it works ok on the command line so...
I ran my chmod -R / again... (not recommended on a live system folks!)
It turns out the directory the .tar file is created in must have 777
permissions ... 775 wont do it... it must have that extra bit set.
(I dont understand why at all - I can exec other apps that write to files
without any trouble at all... I REALLY would like an explanation if
anyone has one, bearing that fact in mind)
It generates a file not found because it's looking for the tar file and
hasn't created it (possibly error reporting could be tightened up to be
more accurate in Tar) ...
Anyways -- many thanks to all who followed me on my wild goose chase.
All I have to do now is see if I can make it work on the live system...
Oh boy oh boy.... aint pc's fun. I can even go to bed tonight.
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