Posted by sundar22in on 09/07/06 06:59
> Yes. Open php.ini. Uncomment (remove the leading semicolon) the
> "extension=php_curl.dll" line. Restart your webserver. cURL functions should
> then be available.
I removed the comment (i.e semicolon ) for "extension=php_curl.dll"
line in the php.ini. After making this change i restarted the Apache
webserver. But It said "Unable to load dynamic library
/../php/extensions/php_curl.dll" - The specified module could not be
found. Does this mean cURL is not installed ???
> But see the "Note to Win32 Users" in the manual (the first link in this
> message, above).
Yes, I made sure libeay32.dll,ssleay32.dll are included in the PATH
variable. Even then im getting the same error message which is
specified above!
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