Posted by IchBin on 09/07/06 20:52
I am trying to do a SQL table insert. OK, no big deal. Well I am having
a problem with this code. I build a data structure $fields_values and
pass it to a function insertIntoDB() to issue the insert.
The problem is in the actual INSERT Statement. The values for the column
data do not have "" around the Col values. So SQL flags the fields as
wrong. Example:
INSERT INTO `Log` (ipAddress,action,groupPageName,namePageName,system)
VALUES (,browse,Main,HomePage,Testing new code)
Can some one point me in the right direction on wrapping " around the
data values so it will insert into the table.
$table = 'myTable';
$fields_values = array
'ipAddress' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'action' => $action,
'groupPageName' => FmtPageName('$Group', $pagename),
'namePageName' => FmtPageName('$Name', $pagename);,
'system' => $system
insertIntoDB($strTableName, $fields_values);
function insertIntoDB($table, $fields_values)
$fields = implode(array_keys($fields_values), ',');
$values = implode(array_values($fields_values), ',');
$sqlStatement = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` ('.$fields.') VALUES
$res = mysql_query($sqlStatement)OR die(mysql_error());
return true;
Thanks in Advance...
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA http://weconsultants.phpnet.us
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)
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