Posted by Charles on 09/08/06 17:41
On Thu, 07 Sep 2006 17:52:20 -0400, IchBin wrote...
>Charles wrote:
>> On Wed, 06 Sep 2006 18:04:05 -0400, IchBin wrote...
>>> NC wrote:
>>>> Frits van Leeuwen wrote:
>>>>> Is it posible to create and use a DB without MYSQL or SQL?
>>>> Depends on how you define a database. If you want data storage, you
>>>> can store data in text files. If you want fast lookups, joining, etc.,
>>>> you're better off with a database.
>>>>> My provider doesn't give me the posebillety to use MYSQL or SQL.
>>>> Perhaps, you should fire your provider and get a real one?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> NC
>>> I am new to PHP but you could look at SQLite. You can search the PHP
>>> extended manual for info. Another external database that has been around
>>> longer is BerkeleyDB. This is C\C++ driven database.
>>> http://www.sqlite.org
>>> http://www.sleepycat.com
>> I haven't tried teh BerkeleyDB files with PHP yet myself. On the PHP side of
>> things I also found some documentation here that may be helpful...
>> http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.dba.php
>> Charles
>For the Berkeley DataBase their is a C\C++ and Java version. If I
>remember correctly, maybe 10 years, ago when Netscape opened their
>source code. I found that Netscape used the Berkeley Database heavily if
>not exclusively.
>Others are pointing you to XML. Not sure how well that is supported in
>php 4 as in php 5. Most Hosts use php 4. The learning curve is much
>greater for XML than SQL. But in the long run it would make sense to
>have XML experience.
Thanks for the information. I'll have to do some catching up on php v5. I can
get around with SQL reasonably well but probably wouldn't hurt to dive into XML
a little either just to get the experience.
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