Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 09/10/06 02:48
G Doucet wrote:
> Second, I found that when I email a file from my laptop to my home
> computer, it adds the comment text <!-- saved from
> url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail --> to the top of my html code and
> thus some links don't appear to work unless I remove this comment.
> BTW, is it my Outlook Express adding this, and if so, can I turn off
> this feature?
I think (awfully sure) that Outlook Express is the culprit. Last year I
was assisting a newbie with writing html files. I would email a complete
file as an attachment. When she would do a Save from her OE, that line
would get added.
We never found a way to make it stop doing that. Each file she saved,
she then had to edit it with a text editor to remove that silly comment.
Try setting yourself up with a modern email client instead of OE.
Thunderbird should remove the problem.
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck.
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