Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 09/10/06 17:34
bigdaddybs wrote:
> Arne wrote:
>> If I'd know what you are talking about?
>> /Arne
> Thank you. I appreciate your help *sarcasm here*.
> I would have thought it obvious to anyone who had actually read (and
> tried to click the link) on my first post. And, that since no one had
> said anything that they would simply read through the first, notice the
> 2nd was from ME, and realize what I was talking about.
> In case you missed it, I entered the url incorrectly (manually) in the
> first post. The second post corrected that error, and I didn't think
> anyone would want to see the whole (or even part) of the first post,
> again. I apologize for confusing the issue.
> Thanks for the links, anyway. *genuine thanks*.
Since you genuinely appear not to understand I will try to explain why
your are not getting the help that you believe that you are entitled to.
This is Usenet not Google Groups. What does that mean? Well, it means
in Usenet when accessed with a real newsreader all the posts of a
threaded are *NOT* displayed as a single column of posts on a web page.
Google Groups 'interprets and reformats' Usenet to appear that way. So
users with newsreader may not *see* your previous post *unless* your
reprint (i.e., quote) the previous bits to which your are referring to.
As such your comments appear out of context and are meaningless.
"Why is a duck?"
So what you should have done was read the links that Arne posted:
> Arne wrote:
>> If I'd know what you are talking about?
>> * How to quote: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html#toc2
>> * From Google: http://www.safalra.com/special/googlegroupsreply/
And then you would have realized you should have preceded your URL
correction with a quote of what your where correcting!
Lastly, and you may pickup on this if you read about Usenet a bit. It
can be a very useful resource for discussion. And "discussion" is a key
word here because what happens here are "conversations" and must be
approached as such. You can learn quite a bit, but it is not a help
desk. Many are willing to help be they are not obligated to do so. No
one is paying us.
Now taking a cursory look at your site:
If this is a redesign I think you should design with "strict" and not
"transitional" doctype, Keeping IE out of quirks mode can alleviate a
lot of headaches. It is great that you are using stylesheets and not
deprecated markup, but I would say two things about what I see--your CSS
appears *way too* complicated and over managed, you may have more
predicable behavior and better artistic results by simplifying it.
Secondly your CSS seems to employ too many IE hacks (which also can be
related to over management) If in your base design you allow for some
flexibility as to how your page will display in different browsers your
results may be better. I noticed that regardless of how wide my browser
is (even a 2048 pixels wide!) your page is *always* wider with a
horizontal scrollbar! That is a fundamental design error. You have made
your basic layout blocks of your page add up to more that 100%
Note: Don't use IE for your standard here. Use a real web browser for
design (then tweak if you have to to get IE to cooperate).
Problem may be that you have DIV "main-page" set to 100% width and your
BODY has default margins and padding (>0) AND you have a floated navbar
that makes your total width >100%. but with 3000+ lines of CSS I do not
have the time to debug for you.
Take care,
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