Posted by flamer die.spam@hotmail.com on 09/11/06 00:44
PDannyD wrote:
> On Sunday 10 September 2006 23:35, Dave Kelly [daveekelly@earthlink.net]
> wrote in message <4r0Ng.5983$v%4.159@newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net>
> > Given this html code page;
> > ======begin
> > <html>
> > <body>
> > <!--#include file="outing.1.shtml"-->
> > I would like the contents of 'outing.1.shtml' to be displayed hence
> > the <!--#include file="outing.1.shtml"--> in the HTML code.
> > Since it does not work, I must ask what is the correct to do this?
> <?php include("outing.1.shtml")?>
> You were using the ASP #include.
No that is a server side include, well possibly your server doesnt
support ssi?? and why not just use php anyway since you have that code
int he document already, rename the file as .php and use as suggested
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