Posted by dorayme on 09/11/06 09:54
In article <DE7Ng.9357$q06.8466@reader1.news.jippii.net>,
"Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorpela@cs.tut.fi> wrote:
> dorayme <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> scripsit:
> > If you are going to use line-height (make sure you need to), use
> > em.
> No, it is best to use just numbers. The reason is that the line-height
> property is rather special. If you declare, say, line-height: 1.5 (there's
> seldom a reason for such a large value, but let's pretend there is, like the
> original question did), then the _declared value_ 1.5 gets inherited. This
> means that if there is an element with a different font size, the
> line-height value gets adapted to the font size. If you declare line-height:
> 1.5em (or 150%), then the _computed value_ gets inherited.
Oooee! This is a subtlety I never knew. Right. Now I do. And will
read up on this sort of thing a bit more. I am sure that I learn
at least about five new things on alt.html a week...
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