Posted by Jim Higson on 09/11/06 16:59
Gernot Frisch wrote:
> "Jim Higson" <jh@333.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:gYidnStYxaWJvpjYRVnygg@eclipse.net.uk...
>> MaMiF Ka wrote:
>>> It is not possible to change the server-side script as it is not
>>> managed by me.
>> Bad luck. Perhaps you can host a modified version yourself? Another
>> possibility would be putting a proxy script on your server that just
>> re-arranged the parameters.
>>> I just want to be able to use it's function.
>>> How would a form look like to make an output like this ?
>> [trim long URL]
>>> Is it possible to make the output of the dropdown's option values
>>> to be
>>> +c'4 (and not having any "=" or "&" etc.) ?
>> As far as I know, no. You would have to collect the values with
>> Javascript
>> and send using XmlHttp
> which would be no problem if you use the thing for yourself. If you
> plan on using it publically (does that word exist?), you might get
> into trouble with musipedia.org's license model. Better check that
> before.
Oh, yes, and you can only send using XmlHttp to the domain that the page
loaded from (security thing). So if your page isn't on musicpedia.org, it
might not work.
I think Musicpedia is liberally licenced (I can't find a notice, but I'd
guess GFDL like wikipedia) - don't take this as legal advice though!!
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