Posted by aaron.reese on 09/11/06 15:33
multiply by 100
convert to integer (drop decimals)
divide by 100
Kim André Akerø wrote:
> wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I have a floating point number stored in a variable. i want to round
> > that number off to two places and store it in a variable. Does anyone
> > know how to do that?
> > I know that i can use the printf to display the number to 2 decimal
> > places. but i want to store that number in a vaiable.
> How about this:
> $value = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
> $value = round($value, 2);
> --
> Kim André Akerø
> -
> (remove NOSPAM to contact me directly)
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