Posted by Ac1d^ on 09/12/06 09:40 napisal(a):
> Can someone help me to make a regular expression for this sort of
> replacement :
> text with {link:pagehref}a link{/link}.
> replace to ->
> text with <a href="pagehref">a link</a>
> I tried several things but nothing seems to work... e.g.
> $value=preg_replace("/\{link\:(.+?)\}(.+?)\{\/link\}/s","<a href=\"$1\"
> target=\"_blank\">$2</a>",$value);
> Thanks in advance!
Try this pattern.
rest of the code looks fine.
You can also have a look at the comments below preg-replace Description
at There is a lot of usefull informations how to use it,
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