Posted by nostic on 09/13/06 15:52
Thanks for the Reply!
This is going to be hosted though a company like Godaddy and I won't be
opting for a dedicated server (atleast not yet). cron needs to run at
the command level so I don't think that would work for what I need.
Would it be possible to run that stand alone script after during the
singup process?
So while the normal account creation is going on the script could run,
this could be done on the redirect page after the user registers then
once the script has run it would rediect them to thier "home page".
If that would work how to I script out the copy of the files? Would it
be something like:
$file = '../template/index.php';
$newfile = '/' $user '/home/';
if (!copy($file, $newfile)) {
echo "failed to copy $file...\n";
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