Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 09/14/06 11:55
emma.sax@gmail.com wrote:
> I need to figure out whether the following information is best
> displayed in a table or as a definition list - it is displayed as a
> summary to show what the user has inputted previously and whether they
> want to make any changes:
> Title Miss
> First E
> Surname Accessible
> DOB 19/05/1979
> Address Somewhere nice
> Email blah@blah.com
This sounds like echoing user input, not a summary. Anyway, it's rather
naturally tabular data. It's nowhere near a definition list, except to those
who treat <dl> as meaning just a collection of pairs. (You do not _define_
the terms "title", "first", etc. at all; instead you assume that the reader
already knows what there words mean.)
On the practical side, you surely want them to appear in tabular layout. So
why would you refrain from using <table> markup for tabular data and then
try to figure out some way to make it appear as tabulated?
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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