Posted by Kim Hunter on 09/14/06 16:04
@net wrote:
> Hi,
> I have page1.php with form to fill by customer. Inside form is field
> with dynamic drop-down menu (choices from database). On page2.php I
> have validation of values posted from page1.php. In case or error or
> forbiden values, customer is redirected to page1.php again (with proper
> error notification) to correct them. All the values should be preserved
> on redirection to page1.php by session variables, so the customer dont
> have to fill all the fields again, but only to make correction. It's
> easy with <input type="text"...
> Now the question:
> How to preserve the position choosed from first submition in drop-down
> menu since it is dynamicly populated?
> THX, everyone.
heres a function i wrote the other other day, you could change it to
loop through the db result, cause this one was for a static array
function arrayToOptions($array,$selected = null)
$result = "";
foreach( $array as $value => $name )
$result .=
sprintf('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>',
$value,($value == $selected)
? ' selected="selected"': "",$name);
return $result;
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