Posted by Colin McKinnon on 09/14/06 22:14 wrote:
> A really simple script is driving me up the wall.
> I have a very simply facility on a website to allow the user to reorder
> items in a database table as she wishes by clicking a link that (in
> this case) says "MOVE UP" and links to the script below.
> This script snippet that does all the work is shown - the database
> connection is established and after doing its work the script returns
> the user to the referring page.
> On my own server this works perfectly - but when I upload it to my
> client's shared server it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. It is
> intermittent.
hmmm, "client's shared server". I can read so much into that.
Go get a copy of iehttpheaders for MSIE or tamper data for firefox and find
out for yourself.
> Could PHP be returning a cached result of the script?
No. Not unless you wrote it that way.
> If no, what on
> earth can be happening? If yes, can I stop this from happning from the
> script (I can't change any settings on the shared host).
The webserver could be returning bad caching information. You may be
accessing it through an overzealous cache - you're code didn't contain any
cache instructions.
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