Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 09/15/06 13:24
Tritemius wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've a problem with IE6
> I made a box with inside a vertical list of pic. Each pic has a 1px border.
> Firefox show the list in a right way but IE show the entire height of list
> more short than height of box container.
> I know IE considers border inside the box conteiner instead firefox consider
> border outside of it. I tried to use different hack like:
> width-w\idth-\width
> !important
> he\ight-height
> to differentiate the different behavior of the different browser but IE6
> understand !important, w\idth ecc in a right way.
> Does anyone knows an hack to solve this common problem?
Most likely you have a coding error somewhere and probably do not need a
hack to fix. But who knows because you have not allow use to 'see' what
you have done. URL please.
Take care,
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