Posted by Dan on 11/27/72 11:58
Jib wrote:
> Boy testy, aren't we? You are bordering on arrogance "Yucca".
Maybe he is... some of the "techie"-types on newsgroups like this tend
to a bit of snappiness in their style, but their advice is generally
sound nevertheless. You do need to remember that this is a discussion
group, not a free helpdesk.
Anyway, what he said is right. ALT attributes (not "tags") are part of
the HTML code along with the text content of the page, and are not part
of the image itself, and hence the fact that you store images in a
common subdirectory for use in multiple language versions of your site
is irrelevant to the possible use of different-language ALT text in the
HTML of the different versions.
More on languages on the Web:
More on images and ALT attributes:
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