Posted by Stan Brown on 11/27/82 11:58
Sun, 17 Sep 2006 13:46:46 -0400 from Jonathan N. Little
> Mozilla|SeaMonkey Shift-click by default is "save link target as..."
> Firefox is is "open in a new window"
Thanks for the correction. I use Mozilla at home and Firefox at work.
I had noticed that an extra window popped up when I Shift-clicked to
do a download, but since I also got the download prompt I thought it
was a bug.
> http://lesliefranke.com/files/reference/firefoxcheatsheet.html
That page says Ctrl-Click opens in background and Ctrl-Shift-Click
opens in foreground. It's the opposite on my Firefox. Did I configure
it the other way and forget I had done so, or is there an error on
the page?
Is there any way, in Firefox, to do a Save Target As without right-
clicking and selecting from a menu? I'm very bad at fine mouse
movements and try to do as little as possible with point-and-click.
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
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