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Re: Multidimensional Array Question

Posted by IchBin on 09/19/06 23:59

MS wrote:
>>>> I would love to keep my sort in my SQL but I am grabbing data from 3
> tables
>>>> I am sorting the data in the query from each table eg.
> Not used this for years and then it was not in MySQL...
> But I think the Union Statement would do the job for you...
> Best Wishes
> MS
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Yes MS, you nailed it. This is what I thought at first and it would be
the best/easiest way.

After looking at the UNION statement out on the internet, have not used
for a while, it seemed that I could only do a UNION of two tables. It
really did not make sense to me. I swear in my past years in programming
some where either in Oracle or Sybase..BlabBlabBlab I had done a UNION
on like six or seven tables. I thought that was apart of the SQL ansii.
Guess I figured I am getting old.

I just looked at the right place and you are, 100% right.

Thanks in Advance...
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA

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-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)



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