Posted by smk17 on 09/20/06 16:01
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> smk17 wrote:
> > Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> >
> >>smk17 wrote:
> >>
> >>>I apologoze for not giving a good subject line, but I have no idea what
> >>>to even ask for...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>I've made a website about high school basketball in New York State. One
> >>>
> >>>thing I want to put on the site are the scores from each of the games
> >>>and I'd like to somehow get the scores up ASAP. There are many games
> >>>basically every night of the week. With around 70 teams in my
> >>>particular section. One way to do it would be to "hire" a
> >>>representative from each school (a player, coach, fan, parent, etc.) to
> >>>
> >>>volunteer to send me the scores from his/her game through email. This
> >>>might work but it would require a lot of work on my part reading each
> >>>email and posting the scores manually. Or I could look at all the
> >>>online newspapers and post those scores to my site. But I want the
> >>>scores up even quicker than that. And I'm sure there would be times
> >>>where I wouldn't find articles on all the games. Yes, I may be crazy.
> >>>
> >>>So I thought maybe there would be a way where this volunteer could go
> >>>to a password protected web page, fill out a form or something that is
> >>>specific to his/her school, with the score, date, teams, etc. and that
> >>>would automatically update that section of my website that has all the
> >>>scores on it. I wouldn't have to do anything.... :-)
> >>>
> >>>Or maybe they send me an Excel sheet after every game and my scores
> >>>page is "hooked" to that excel sheet and just by updating the Excel
> >>>sheet to the server, the scores in the web page are updated. I know a
> >>>guy from another section does it this way, but he has one Excel sheet
> >>>with all the scores from it. This excel sheet comes from a guy who runs
> >>>
> >>>a clearing house at his home where all the coaches call him after their
> >>>
> >>>games. They leave their message on the machine, he listens to the
> >>>message, and he puts all the scores into this one excel sheet, sends it
> >>>
> >>>to the webmaster from that section, and vwalla, the scores are there.
> >>>He said it was all done with javascript or php, maybe both.
> >>>
> >>>section4hoops.com
> >>>
> >>>I am not familiar with writing javascript or php, but have downloaded
> >>>many scripts and used them correctly.What I do not know is how the
> >>>connection is made between the Excel sheet and my webpage.
> >>>
> >>>Can anyone point me in the right direction or maybe you have another
> >>>solution I hadn't thought about.
> >>>
> >>>Thanks
> >>>Steve
> >>>
> >>
> >>Steve,
> >>
> >>Either having a page requiring login or parsing scores from an Excel
> >>file is going to take a little server side programming. Neither would
> >>be too hard, depending on what other things you have available (i.e.
> >>database, etc.). But if you're not familiar with PHP you're going to
> >>have a little trouble with it.
> >>
> >>Maybe you can find someone locally who is familiar with a server side
> >>language such as PHP or Perl. Either one should be able to do what you
> >>wish.
> >>
> >>And unfortunately, I don't know of any prepackaged scripts for something
> >>like this. Both are simple enough I normally just write them to suit
> >>the site.
> > Thanks, after looking into this a little further I think the Excel idea
> > is gone. I think all I need to do is give each one of these volunteers
> > a password protected web page to go to and fill out a form with the
> > score of the game. That form somehow updates a database and that
> > updated database updates the actual "Scores" page on the basketball
> > website.
> >
> > Now I just gotta figure out how to make all those connections.
> >
> > My web host does support MySQL and PHP.
> >
> >
> (Top posting fixed)
> OK, well, as I said, it isn't hard to do for anyone with knowledge of a
> scripting language such as PHP, Perl, VBScript (on Windows servers), etc.
> But you've got a problem in that you don't have that background, which
> makes it a little tougher. And I don't know of any scripts which will
> do what you want.
> I'd really suggest checking around locally there. Perhaps out of all of
> those teams you have someone with a little background in PHP and MySQL
> who could help you with it.
> --
I actually found a way to do exactly what I want, actually better than
what I wanted.
I created a blog page through Wordpress which was available through my
host provider. This blog will never be published, or viewable, but the
RSS feed that comes from it will be channelled into my "Scores" webpage
automatically using FeedForAll's rss2html PHP script.
All I have to do is get a volunteer from each school, sign them up as a
user, or author of the blog. After each of their home games, they log
on to the blog, write the scores of the games, hit Publish and go to
bed! Someone looking at the Scores page, which is hooked to the blog's
RSS feed, will see these scores.
I'm having trouble with the date of the blogs right now, but everything
else seems to working great.
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