Posted by iulian.ilea on 09/23/06 21:47
Paul Lautman wrote:
> One of the web hosts that I use allows a single cron job to run. I need to
> run more than one scheduled job using this single launch.
> Now I could just include the jobs into the one cron job, but if one abended
> for any reason, then the second one wouldn't run.
> I have seen some posts advising the use of fork and others advising the use
> of popen.
> Ideally I'd like the initial cron job to read a database table and launch
> separate jobs based on entries in the table that would all run to conclusion
> independantly of each other.
> I'd like some ideas of what is the best way to accomplish this?
> Paul
I'm not sure if it can be done, but this is my ideea: cronjobs are
stored in a file, from what I know. So, let's say you have a list of
cronjobs to be executed at a certain time. If you have acces to the
file where cron jobs for your account are stored, edit that file from
php script after every execution. I repeat, it's just an ideea and I
have never tested it.
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