Posted by Ron Barnett on 09/26/06 16:28
"Cerebral Believer" <nospamthanks@hadenoughalready.com> wrote in message
> "Ron Barnett" <ron@RJBarnett.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:4519295e.0@entanet...
>> "Cerebral Believer" <nospamthanks@hadenoughalready.com> wrote in message
>> news:xf9Sg.41123$wo3.526@newsfe7-gui.ntli.net...
>>> Hi I need help!
>>> Forgive me I am a PHP newbie. I have a small script that enables me to
>>> send
>>> a form from an HTML page. I want to use the HTML formatted form because
>>> the
>>> design of my website is complex, and I don't want to have to mess around
>>> with formatting a page using HTML within php. So basically the
>>> "action" of
>>> the HTML page sends the form to "ProcReg.php". This is the code:
>>> <?php
>>> /* Script name: ProcReg.php
>>> * Description: Script displays all the information passed
>>> * from a form.
>>> */
>>> echo "<html>
>>> <head><title>Registration Information</title></head>
>>> <body>";
>>> foreach ($_REQUEST as $field => $value)
>>> {
>>> echo "$field = $value<br>";
>>> }
>>> ?>
>>> </body>
>>> </html>
>>> -------
>>> This is what I get as a "return", at the moment to a blank web page:
>>> First_Name = First Name
>>> Last_Name = Last Name
>>> Address1 = Address Line 1
>>> Address2 = Address Line 2
>>> Address3 = Address Line 3
>>> TownCity = Town/City
>>> CountyStateProvince = County, State or Province
>>> PostZipCode = Post Code/Zip Code
>>> Country = 000
>>> e-mail1i = Your E-Mail Address
>>> email1v = Confirm Your E-mail Address
>>> email2i = Your Alternative E-Mail Address
>>> email2v = Confirm Your E-Mail Address
>>> intcode = 000
>>> areacode = 000
>>> telnum = 000000
>>> username = Username
>>> password = xxxxxxx
>>> mailinglist = Yes
>>> clubfbd = Yes
>>> B1 = Submit
>>> ---
>>> I just want to know how I can modify the php code in the ProcReg script
>>> so
>>> that the instead of writing the "return" to a web page, it writes it to
>>> variables or an array, so that I can call the data later in the same
>>> script
>>> to be checked?
>>> I am sure I know how to do the checking, but not how to get the data
>>> into
>>> variables or an array.
>>> Regards,
>>> C.B.
>> Hi CB,
>> $_REQUEST IS an array , you just have to call it whenever you need to.
>> It is populated with NAMED rather than numbered elements which is
>> possibly where you are confused
>> the B1 element is the name of your 'button' and 'Submit' is the text
>> shown on its face.
>> the other values are the names of the fields and the values they held
>> when the submit took place.
>> If you want to put the values into another array, just use
>> $myArray = $_REQUEST;
>> but why bother ?
>> try
>> var_dump($_REQUEST);
>> to see all the details
> Thanks Ron,
> Let me just get this straight, a from created from just HTML can have the
> fields and values from it extracted and processed by a php script? There
> is no other php on my original page, just the form action sending the form
> to ProcReg.php. I just want to use ProcReg.php to collect data from an
> HTML form, check for blank fiels and valid data, then send it to another
> HTML page. I think I have the code for blank field checking and valid
> data checking, but, I don't quite know how to send the form back to
> another fresh HTML page where a user can make edits if needed.
> Regards,
> C.B.
Ah the plot thickens . . . .
So what you want to do is retrieve the data from a form and populate another
form ?
If you want to pass a value into an html form element, you just need to set
its 'value' when you output the form.
From your original example, you have a field called Address1
if we want to send that out to a screen containing a form that the user can
edit we just need to send:
// inside the form construction
echo "<input type='text' name='Address1'
note the string is in two parts with $_REQUEST('Address1') concatenated in
the middle using the dot string operator.
Where things can get a bit tricky is if you have a series of controls -
typically radio buttons or checkboxes with the same name but different
values, here the returned value is another array that has to be examined,
hence my suggestion to examine the incoming data with var_dump() while
The above example assumes that you know the name of the field, or you could
simply use $key and $value pairs as in your original posting inside a loop.
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