Posted by Cerebral Believer on 09/26/06 16:58
"Ron Barnett" <ron@RJBarnett.co.uk> wrote in message
> "Cerebral Believer" <nospamthanks@hadenoughalready.com> wrote in message
> news:l_bSg.45767$WV2.17727@newsfe2-gui.ntli.net...
>> "Ron Barnett" <ron@RJBarnett.co.uk> wrote in message
>> news:4519295e.0@entanet...
>>> "Cerebral Believer" <nospamthanks@hadenoughalready.com> wrote in message
>>> news:xf9Sg.41123$wo3.526@newsfe7-gui.ntli.net...
>>>> Hi I need help!
>>>> Forgive me I am a PHP newbie. I have a small script that enables me to
>>>> send
>>>> a form from an HTML page. I want to use the HTML formatted form
>>>> because the
>>>> design of my website is complex, and I don't want to have to mess
>>>> around
>>>> with formatting a page using HTML within php. So basically the
>>>> "action" of
>>>> the HTML page sends the form to "ProcReg.php". This is the code:
>>>> <?php
>>>> /* Script name: ProcReg.php
>>>> * Description: Script displays all the information passed
>>>> * from a form.
>>>> */
>>>> echo "<html>
>>>> <head><title>Registration Information</title></head>
>>>> <body>";
>>>> foreach ($_REQUEST as $field => $value)
>>>> {
>>>> echo "$field = $value<br>";
>>>> }
>>>> ?>
>>>> </body>
>>>> </html>
>>>> -------
>>>> This is what I get as a "return", at the moment to a blank web page:
>>>> First_Name = First Name
>>>> Last_Name = Last Name
>>>> Address1 = Address Line 1
>>>> Address2 = Address Line 2
>>>> Address3 = Address Line 3
>>>> TownCity = Town/City
>>>> CountyStateProvince = County, State or Province
>>>> PostZipCode = Post Code/Zip Code
>>>> Country = 000
>>>> e-mail1i = Your E-Mail Address
>>>> email1v = Confirm Your E-mail Address
>>>> email2i = Your Alternative E-Mail Address
>>>> email2v = Confirm Your E-Mail Address
>>>> intcode = 000
>>>> areacode = 000
>>>> telnum = 000000
>>>> username = Username
>>>> password = xxxxxxx
>>>> mailinglist = Yes
>>>> clubfbd = Yes
>>>> B1 = Submit
>>>> ---
>>>> I just want to know how I can modify the php code in the ProcReg script
>>>> so
>>>> that the instead of writing the "return" to a web page, it writes it to
>>>> variables or an array, so that I can call the data later in the same
>>>> script
>>>> to be checked?
>>>> I am sure I know how to do the checking, but not how to get the data
>>>> into
>>>> variables or an array.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> C.B.
>>> Hi CB,
>>> $_REQUEST IS an array , you just have to call it whenever you need to.
>>> It is populated with NAMED rather than numbered elements which is
>>> possibly where you are confused
>>> the B1 element is the name of your 'button' and 'Submit' is the text
>>> shown on its face.
>>> the other values are the names of the fields and the values they held
>>> when the submit took place.
>>> If you want to put the values into another array, just use
>>> $myArray = $_REQUEST;
>>> but why bother ?
>>> try
>>> var_dump($_REQUEST);
>>> to see all the details
>> Thanks Ron,
>> Let me just get this straight, a from created from just HTML can have the
>> fields and values from it extracted and processed by a php script? There
>> is no other php on my original page, just the form action sending the
>> form to ProcReg.php. I just want to use ProcReg.php to collect data from
>> an HTML form, check for blank fiels and valid data, then send it to
>> another HTML page. I think I have the code for blank field checking and
>> valid data checking, but, I don't quite know how to send the form back to
>> another fresh HTML page where a user can make edits if needed.
>> Regards,
>> C.B.
> Ah the plot thickens . . . .
> So what you want to do is retrieve the data from a form and populate
> another form ?
Yes, that's correct.
> If you want to pass a value into an html form element, you just need to
> set its 'value' when you output the form.
> From your original example, you have a field called Address1
> if we want to send that out to a screen containing a form that the user
> can edit we just need to send:
> // inside the form construction
> echo "<input type='text' name='Address1'
> Value='".$_REQUEST('Address1')."'>";
Will this code populate a new form simply with data related to a field, or
will it actually create the field too?
> note the string is in two parts with $_REQUEST('Address1') concatenated in
> the middle using the dot string operator.
> Where things can get a bit tricky is if you have a series of controls -
> typically radio buttons or checkboxes with the same name but different
> values, here the returned value is another array that has to be examined,
> hence my suggestion to examine the incoming data with var_dump() while
> debugging.
That is something I may have to look into as I have a couple of Yes/No radio
> The above example assumes that you know the name of the field, or you
> could simply use $key and $value pairs as in your original posting inside
> a loop.
OK thanks for your help.
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