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Re: Need regular expression or some easier way to do HTML query string text substitution

Posted by Oli Filth on 09/26/06 23:13

comp.lang.php said the following on 26/09/2006 22:03:
> I am trying to replace within the HTML string $html the following:
> [quote]
> <a
> href="index.php?section=image&refAction=edit&previousRefOrig=edit&chooseAlbum=1&album=here&sort=&willDesc=&willDisplayPanel=&action=move_image">Go
> back..</a>
> [/quote]
> With
> [quote]
> <a
> href="index.php?section=image&refAction=edit&previousRefOrig=edit&chooseAlbum=1&album=here&sort=&willDesc=&willDisplayPanel=&action=edit">Go
> back..</a>
> [/quote]
> Where I'm replacing "action=move_image" with "action=<?=
> $_REQUEST['refAction'] ?>"
> I'm using regular expressions to do just that, or at least I'm trying:
> Several class methods spawn the query string before "Go back.." several
> different ways; however, there will always be a "action=[something]"
> within the query string for you to change, just cannot predict where;
> furthermore, there MAY also include "refAction=[something]" within the
> same query string.
> How do I do this either with regular expressions or some other way?

IMHO, having multiple methods independently responsible for creating a
complex URL like that, and then having a regular expression to
subsequently "alter" it is likely to be error-prone and a maintenance

I don't know what your exact scenario is, but if I were doing it, I
might maintain an associative array of the GET variables and values e.g.
something like:

class Foo
private $variables;

function bar()
$variables["section"] = "image";
$variables["refAction"] = "edit";
$variables["action"] = "move_image";

function fuzz()
$variables["section"] = "home";
$variables["refAction"] = "delete";
$variables["action"] = "kill_image";

function alter_action()
$variables["action"] = "edit";

function getQueryString()
// convert array contents to a query string





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