Posted by Kimmo Laine on 09/27/06 05:46
"yusuf" <yusufm@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I uploaded the following file to my site:
> <?php
> header("Content-type: text/plain");
> echo "latex is at: ";
> system("which latex");
> echo "ls is at: ";
> system("which ls");
> echo "convert is at: ";
> system("which convert");
> echo "gs is at: ";
> system("which gs");
> ?>
> and none of the paths are being printed out, only the echo statements
> are... I would think atleast ls should show up? Execute permissions
> have been given to it too.
Are system/exec/passthru allowed on your php? Do you get any output from any
command, say ls or uptime or something else rather trivial?
Also try something like this for debugging:
$output = system('ls', $return_val)
var_dump($output); // This will be boolean false on failure
var_dump($return_val); // This will contain the return status of the command
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