Posted by Dotan Cohen on 06/14/05 19:01
Hi gurus. I'm having fun replacing the text within [ and ] to XML
format on 4000+ files on a windows XP machine. I installed php (and an
apache server) on the machine because it is the only language the I am
remotely familiar with.
I want and text that is with [ and ] to be enclosed with <note> and
</note>. Going through the archives I found this nice regex (I changed
it a bit- I hope that I didn't break anything important) that fits
into str_replace:
str_replace("/[([a-zA-Z]+?)]/", "<note>".$what
was_inside_the_parethesis."</note>", $string);
But how on sweet mother Earth do I get the $what
was_inside_the_parethesis variable to stick into the note tags? I
tried functions that would remove the [ and ], then do
$new_str="<note>".$what was_inside_the_parethesis."</note>";
and then replace the whole [$what was_inside_the_parethesis] with
$new_str. I did get that far.
Now the catch! If $what_was_inside_the_parethesis contains the word
'algebra' then I want nothing returned- in other words [$what
was_inside_the_parethesis] should be cut out and nothing put in it's
place. I added an if function in there that checked the presence of
the word algebra, but it ALWAYS returned blank.
So I went changing this and changing that, and now I'm very frustrated
because I did not save the code that WAS working before I added the
'remove algebra' clause... and I can't seem to get back to that state
Is there a clean way to do this in a str_replace or two? Or should I
just start from scratch again with all my if's and preg_match'es? I
had a good 10-15 lines of code in there. I don't mind redoing it, I
just want to know if it can be done simpler? And I'm not too sure that
I'll succeed in the 'remove algebra' clause.
Thanks all.
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