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Re: specifying a new window when using Location:

Posted by mantrid on 09/27/06 12:16

Thanks Johnny
That works but not if popups are blocked
So I was wondering if there is a way of testing if popup blocking is set and
if not run the first bit of code and if so run the second so at least the
user would get the page even if it is not on a separate window ie something

if(isset($_POST['viewtest'])){ ?>

if popup blocking is not set then run the following

<script type="text/javascript">"");

else if popup blocking is set run the following



"Johnny" <> wrote in message
> "mantrid" <> wrote in message
> news:DhiSg.42230$
> > In some of my script ive been using the followin
> >
> > if(isset($_POST['mybutton'])){
> > header("Location:");
> > }
> >
> >
> > This changes the page in the open browser window. How can I modify this
> > open a new window without replacing the parent
> >
> >
> this works:
> if(isset($_POST['mybutton'])){
> echo <<<WIND
> <script type="text/javascript">
> </script>
> }
> but as you can se also requires js



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