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Re: Unkowingly Took PHP Job with undgodly PHP Gurus ...

Posted by otrWalter on 12/16/38 11:59 wrote:
> What state do you live in? I was talking to my recruiter here in
> FLorda and he was saying that they can't seem to fill web dev jobs
> quick enough. mainly though it sounded like. Our current
> company needs four more PHP programers ASAP, so if you want to
> relocate, I'm sure you'd be employed qickly. Just be prepared for
> some advanced convoluted bullshit coding practices.

I've been looking for real work for oiver a year now.

Everyone up here (Chicago) wants 3 to 5 years, a grocery list of skills
and languages, and oh yea, to work for $35k to $50k.

A guy can't feed his family around here on that. If I was a
20-something and single I could cut it, but...

Can you say "over-qualifiied!"


PS: Even the freelance work wants things done for less than $200, and I
mena projects that take weeks!



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