Posted by Shelly on 12/07/16 11:59
I have a form that updates and stays in the same window. That is the
desired behavior.
On this form I also have two buttons. I want those buttons to open up a new
window with information taken from another field. I tried putting those
two buttons in a form that has target="_blank", but it still came up in the
same window. (That form is inside the outer form).
I can make this happen if I put the forms one after another. The problem is
that I want the update button on the first form to be the last thing on the
page. Of course I can always put the form that brings up a new window
first, but that is not aesthetically pleasing. Basically, I would like:
<form same window>
<something like a form to bring up a new window with properties from
fields in this form>
update button outer form
What works is:
<form to bring up a new window with properties from fields in this form>
<form same window>
update button
I don't want to use Javascript. I want this all with only php and html.
One more thing: After bringing up the new window, I would like the data on
the original form to be cleared. Does that have to be done in Javascript?
Is there a way to get that field to repaint as clear through php? I doubt
that it can because the header is devoted to the new window, so I think I
will have to resort to Javascript.
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